2020 研究業績・論文発表


Shimada A, Ikegami H

Twenty years since the discovery of fulminant type 1 diabetes

Diabetol Int. 11: 309, 2020

Ikegami H, Imagawa A, Shimada A

Fulminant type 1 diabetes: nationwide effort to elucidate genetics, etiology, and pathogenesis since 2000.

Diabetol Int. 11: 342-343, 2020

Kawabata Y, Ikegami H

Genetics of fulminant type 1 diabetes.

Diabetol Int. 11: 315-322, 2020

Yoshida Y, Kashiwabara K, Matsuyama Y, Hirakawa Y, Tanaka T, Nangaku M, Noso S, Ikegami H, Ohsugi M, Ueki K, Mita T, Watada H, Koya D, Wada J, Shimizu M, Wada T, Ito Y, Narita I, Kashihara N

The Conditions, Pathogenesis and Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease and Early Decliner in Japan.

BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 [in press]
多施設共同研究「ICTを活用したDiabetic Kidney Diseaseの成因分類と糖尿病腎症重症化抑制法の構築」の第一報

Babaya N, Noso S, Hiromine Y, Taketomo Y, Niwano F, Yoshida S, Yasutake S, Kawabata Y, Ikegami H

Flash glucose monitoring in type 1 diabetes: A comparison with Self-monitoring blood glucose.

J Diabetes Investig. 11:1222-1229, 2020

Babaya N, Noso S, Hiromine Y, Taketomo Y, Niwano F, Yoshida S, Yasutake S, Kawabata Y, Ikegami H

Flash glucose monitoring in type 1 diabetes: A comparison with Self-monitoring blood glucose.

J Diabetes Investig. 2020 [in press]