EDUCATION教育 / カリキュラム


There are seven major groups of pathogens: 1. Prions, 2. Viruses, 3. Bacteria, 4. Fungi, 5. Protozoa, 6. Helminths, and 7. Arthropods. In the lecture, we will teach general microbiology, including structure, physiology and genetics of microbes, disinfectants, sterilization, antibiotics, epidemiology, and laboratory diagnosis, in which students will conduct bacterial culture and Gram staining. We will also teach individual microorganisms on the following seven key points: 1) Key properties of the organism, 2) Where in nature, 3) How transmitted to humans, 4) Pathognomonic features of clinical disease, 5) Clinical and laboratory diagnostic tests, 6) How to treat, and 7) How to control and prevent.