2019 研究業績・論文発表


Otsuka I, Akiyama M, Shirakawa O, Okazaki S, Momozawa Y, Kamatani Y, Izumi T, Numata S, Takahashi M, Boku S, Sora I, Yamamoto K, Ueno Y, Toda T, Kubo M, Hishimoto A.

Genome-wide association studies identify polygenic effects for completed suicide in the Japanese population.

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Sep 2.

Hirata T, Otsuka I, Okazaki S, Mouri K, Horai T, Boku S, Takahashi M, Ueno Y, Sora I, Shirakawa O, Hishimoto A.

Major depressive disorder-associated SIRT1 locus affects the risk for suicide in women after middle age.

Psychiatry Res. 2019 Aug;278:141-145.

Tsujii N, Otsuka I, Okazaki S, Yanagi M, Numata S, Yamaki N, Kawakubo Y, Shirakawa O, Hishimoto A.

Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Raises the Potential of Left Frontopolar Hemodynamic Response as a Diagnostic Marker for Distinguishing Bipolar Disorder From Major Depressive Disorder.

Front Psychiatry. 2019 May 8;10:312. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00312. eCollection 2019.

Hosomi F, Yanagi M, Kawakubo Y, Tsujii N, Ozaki S, Shirakawa O.

Capturing spontaneous activity in the medial prefrontal cortex using near-infrared spectroscopy and its application to schizophrenia.

Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 27;9(1):5283.

Takaya M, Ishii K, Kubota I, Shirakawa O.

Progression of logopenic aphasia to frontotemporal dementia in an amyloid β-negative and 18 F-THK-5351-positive patient.

Psychogeriatrics. 2019 Feb 3.

辻井 農亜

児童青年精神科における薬物療法の実際 気分障害・双極性障害 神経発達症に気分障害が併存する場合の薬物療法の実際(解説)

児童青年精神医学とその近接領域 (0289-0968)60巻5号 Page640-644(2019.11)

廣瀬 智之, 柳 雅也, 白川 治


精神科治療学 (0912-1862)34巻9号 Page1023-1029(2019.09)

辻井 農亜


Source: 精神科 (1347-4790)34巻6号 Page634-639(2019.06)